Sunflower - Pro Cut Mix Seed

Sunflower - Pro Cut Mix Seed

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A florist-quality collection of sunflowers in a variety of colors! The Pro Cut series are single-stem sunflowers that mature quickly (65 days to maturity) and are pollenless, meaning they will not shed all over your table.

Approximate Seeds per Packet: 25

Variety/Hardiness: Annual

Sunlight: Full Sun

Mature Height: 62″ - 80"

Germination: 7-14 days at 21-24°C


Transplant: Sunflowers dislike root disturbance. If planting for an early crop of sunflowers, start indoors 2-3 weeks prior to planting out.

Direct Seeding (recommended): Direct seed after all threats of frost have passed, 1/2" deep. 

Care: Do not pinch. This is a single-stem variety, so pinching will result in low-quality or no blooming at all. Succession-sow every 1-2 weeks for a longer harvest period.


Fresh: Flowers are ready to be cut when the petals are just starting to unfurl.

Dried: Not a common dried flower.

Picture provided by Strawberry Lane Flowers