This blend of stock is full of the most dreamy pastel tones which makes it perfect for wedding work. This variety has been developed for producing uniform, sturdy stems and tightly spaced florets along the stems. And you can enjoy the classic, spicy stock scent as an added bonus!
You can select for double blooms, or leave it up to Mother Nature with approximately 55% rate for doubles. For continual harvest, succession sow every 2-3 weeks.
Approximate Seeds per Packet: 20
Variety/Hardiness: Annual
Sunlight: Full sun
Mature Height: 24" - 28"
Germination: 7-14 days at 18-24°C
Transplant (recommended): Start indoors 5-6 weeks before transplanting out. Do not pinch plants.
Direct Seeding: Sow outdoors after last frost has passed. Do not pinch plants.
Care: Growers can select for doubles in early stages. Please note that this is a single-stem variety of stock (i.e., one-cut harvest). We strongly advise against pinching, as you would be pinching off the flowering stem. Stock prefers cool weather. May benefit from horizontal netting in windy areas.
Fresh: Harvest when bottom third to half of florets are open. Florets will continue to open up the stem after harvest.
Dried: Not a common dried flower, but feel free to experiment!