If you've ever grown the Indian Summer variety, this is a similar look but only more adorable! These blooms are approximately 1.5-2.5 inches in diameter, so quite a bit smaller. This branching habit makes a great filler in cut flower bouquets.
Approximate Seeds per Packet: 50
Variety/Hardiness: Perennial in Zones 3-9
Sunlight: Full sun
Mature Height: 48" - 60"
Germination: 7-10 days at 21-24°C. You can pre-chill your seeds for 30 days if you'd like!
Transplant (recommended): Start indoors 5-7 weeks before planting out. Cover lightly; light aids germination. Mist or bottom water to avoid seeds being buried.
Direct Seeding: Sow in place, covering seeds very lightly.
Care: Fairly low maintenance. Tolerates poor soil, and can handle heat and low water conditions once well established. May self-sow year to year.
Fresh: Harvest when blooms are almost completely open. Change water regularly and recut stems when changing water.
Dried: Center pods can be cut and dried for textural interest.