What is old is new again. Some folks find carnations to be a thing of the past, but personally, we love, love, love them! Homegrown carnations bring the most delightful scent to your arrangements; the scent is infinitely better than any store-bought carnation you've ever encountered, trust us!
Carnations come in such wonderful, nuanced colours that we cannot help but love them. And they smell of cinnamon and cloves to boot! The picotee mix may include colors such as rose, wine, cream, white, pink and peach colors.
Approximate Seeds per Packet: 50
Variety/Hardiness: Annual
Sunlight: Sun
Mature Height: 24″ – 30″
Germination: 7-14 days at 18-22°C
Transplant (recommended): Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost. Harder off and transplant out. Cooler temperatures, especially at night, help to promote more sturdy growth.
Direct Seeding: Direct seed in early spring when light frost is still possible.
Care: No special care.
Fresh: Harvest when 1-2 buds per stem are open. Strip any foliage that would fall below the water line of your vessel to prevent bacteria growth in the water. Adding flower preservative to the water will prolong their vase life.
Dried: Hang to dry, if desired.